Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jorja - our angel baby..

Jorja with Nana Joy (my mum)
Jorja is one month old yesterday, things are going great, Im really enjoying being a mum, work is but a distant memory!! I honestly dont miss it, which is a big thing for me, cause I thought I would miss it.
Believe it or not, Jorja has been sleeping thru the night (10pm-5.30/6am ish) for the last week and a half... we are so excited about this, but well aware that it may change! for now we are revelling in the sleep that we (me!!) are getting.
She is feeding well, and seems to be having a growth spurt at the moment I think, as feeding quite often. speaking of which, she just started howling in my ear!! so i better go get the milk flowing!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Long awaited arrival!!!

Finally I get time to get on here and announce that Jorja Grace Haring arrived at 3.02am on Thursday 19th November!!!! 10 days overdue
After a relatively quick labour & birth of 6 hours, she arrived safe & sound. Thankfully everything went really smoothly and I didnt need to be induced, as I was booked to be induced 2hrs after I started having contractions naturally. I also didnt need an epidural, just sucked on the gas thru all contractions like my life depended on it, plus pain relief in the bath.
Cam was fantastic throughout, although it was hard for him to see me going thru the pain. I also had my Mum there, plus our wonderful midwife Celia.
Spent two nights in hospital, then home on Saturday morning. Jorja is well settled at home, and things seem to be getting into some semblance of a routine! if you can call it that!
We plan to try 'BabyWise' which is a feed/play/sleep 'routine' based on parent directed feeding, rather than demand feeding. Will update you on how this in going!! any thoughts on this appreciated, some (like our midwfie) are dead against it, but others swear by it. Those that have done it say that bub is generally sleeping thru the night at 8 weeks, imagine that!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Im not 4 days overdue, which I know is not that far over, but to me it seems like an eternity!
Everyone tries to be sooo helpful.. saying 'she will come in her own good time' 'she'll come soon I know it' etc.. etc.. that doesnt help me having to sit here and WAIT.. its driving me crazy.
Im also quite bored, trying to fill in my days is getting a little frustrating, theres only so many movies one can watch, and anything that involves walking any long distances just doesnt work.. hmmmmmm.....
On the up side, the weather is lovely today, so maybe I will take my book down to the beach.
Had a few niggles yesterday, which I got mildly excited about, but then they went away, and I havent felt anyting since.
Anyway.... onwards...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This is it!

Well today being November 9th, I am now officially 40 weeks and 1 day overdue.

Not completely over it yet, but with each passing day I am getting more and more impatient.

I am scared that I wont know when the 'labour' actually starts, as I have heard soooo many different stories about what people felt, like I have one friend that didnt feel anything in her belly, just back pain thats all. So now everytime I get a back twinge, I think 'is this it?!'

Anyway, Im hoping it will be a bit more obvious than all that.

Cams nervous, he woke at 6am this morning, I think he nervous also about up and leaving work in the middle of the day/week, and not knowing what day it will be, he trying to be as up to date as possible at all times. Hes very organised and fussy about his work load, so finds it hard to leave it to someone else to pick up. Oh and hes also nervous about bringing a new life into the world, and shes our responsibility to look after!!

Here's us yesterday:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

more preggie pics

These booties were made by my grandma before she died, cute aye!

Well I am officially 40 weeks tomorrow (sunday 8th Nov) phew! i made it!
not holding my breath for anything to happen though, midwife reckons I will be at least 7-10 days overdue.
Oh, i have also decided that my blog is really boring, but I dont know how to change the background or anything, any help much appreciated!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Preggy Pics

Courtesy of

Just a few.. the pic uploader on my laptop doesnt want to work very well, so will try again later. x

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

9 months comes to a close

I am currently 38.5 weeks, the pic below is a week ago, I can feel myself getting bigger by the day!
Phew! I'm not hugely uncomfortable (yet!) but think I will be getting that way if I am overdue. My midwife said yesterday that bubs is not quite low enough, or engaged, yet, so she thinks I definately wont come early! On my due date would be lovely thanks! but apparently only 3% of women come on or before their due date.
So here I sit, waiting, wondering......

Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby Shower

I just realised that I hadnt put anything on here about our baby shower which was a few weeks ago, I say 'we' cause we decided to include the guys at the party! it was fun, and a great way for cam to be included, it was a pretty relaxed afternoon, we tried not make it too 'girly' and limited it to 2-3 baby shower games! mostly it was a fantastic chance to catch up with all our best friends in one room, quite overwhelming with about 40-45 people there at one point!
Seriously, how cute are the little Nikes? and the one of me is with my friend Bex, who has just had her baby this week, exciting!
Mum and I made the pink cupcakes, was a lot of fun.
We got some gorgeous gifts, and all things that we needed which was great.
This might be a little 'too much info'!! haha.. but a good record of how im growing!
this is just over 36 weeks, check out my sway back, no wonder it gets sore.
have gone thru about three different bra sizes. now im at the dilema of what size breastfeeding bra to buy? help anyone?!

Monday, October 5, 2009

no more couch time

Our midwife appt yesterday saw us writing up a birth plan, i think we have it sorted...

1. go into labour
2. go to hospital
3. push baby out

its that easy isnt it?!

Ive also been told I'm not to lounge on the couch anymore so that the baby gets, or stays, in the right position.
What the heck am I 'sposed to sit on? i tried a dining room chair, but that lasted about 10 minutes, and was damn uncomfortable to try and relax and watch tv. I might look into getting a swiss ball.
Ho Hum... 5 weeks to go, have I been pregnant FOREVER?
I really am looking forward to finishing work now, im just getting so over it... funny how i used to love my job (and actually really still do) but when you have a milestone coming up like having a baby, the job just pales in significance.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

6 weeks and counting!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Look at all the clothes!! this is the 0-3mths clothes that have been given to me, and I havent even had a baby shower!! phew.. its a little overwhelming..

Cam trying out the baby bjorn carrier... aww cute!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day Cam!!!! love you xx

Sunday, August 30, 2009

10 week countdown

Finally! the big 3-0!
but thats kinda scary, cause that means only 10 weeks to go, 2 months/10 weeks? somehow 2 months sounds longer!
and only 8 weeks of work to go... geez i better get organised, so much to do before I leave work, i have to train the person that is taking my maternity leave, she will be great, but I always stress out training people, cause its my job so is effectivly doing, so i have high (read: control freak!) standards... i might need to rein that in a bit :)
Cam has let me know that he has not been sleeping very well, having very wacky dreams, i thought it was meant to be me that had the strange dreams! but i think he is just stressed about being a dad (he is a bit of a worry wort at the best of times, worse at such a life changing moment such as becoming a father!) its kinda sweet really...
meanwhile, im sleeping okay, aside from getting up to pee all the time, i find myself awake but not really sure why, then i realise that im busting for the toilet! duh
Our baby shower is set for 19th Sept, looking forward to it, we are inviting our female and male friends, cause Cam wanted to be involved, so why not? should be fun!! not sure how many of our male friends will come, be interesting to see.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New baby stuff!

Our new buggy!! so fun, they had them on sale at Smiths City, and we had been looking at this brand for ages. Phill & Teds Sports. Apparently one of the most popular brands, its perfect for babies as it has four different seat levels, plus they are one of the only brands that you can add a toddler seat to, so you can push two babies around at the same time, we will just do one baby at a time at the moment!!

Stamped on the box, cute!

Confused... Whats this bit for?.....

both working it out!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

We just got back from a weekend in Kaikoura, look what beautiful weather it was! Cams brother is the Anglican Vicar at the church there.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

not this time

Thanks so much if you voted for me, but unfortunatley I didnt win :( ahhh... well it was a long shot anyway, but still fun to get to the finals!
26 weeks and counting....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I found out yesterday that I have made it to the finals of a radio competition - its a massive prize haul of baby & maternity gear, about $15,000 worth!

Check it out at

So I am one of five finalists for the Nelson region, then I think I have to go up against the rest of NZ for the major prize.

vote for me!!!

You do have to log in to the radio station, but it only takes a few seconds - thankyou!!

Update pic of me at 26.5 weeks

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New pic: 24 weeks
haha... i look in pain and like i need to go for a wee!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nothing new to post on the baby-baking front, I am 23 weeks today, have not really taken week by week photos like I thought I would, cause theres not too much difference at the moment.
Im also kind of at that stage where I either look really pregnant in some clothes, but then in other clothes i just look like I have put on weight, and people arent sure wether to ask if im pregnant or just think ive put on the beef! haha
so anyway, i prefer my tops that actually make me look pregnant!! do remind me of that when I am a whole lot bigger!
lots of movement, every day. feels like bubbles coming up the surface.
leg cramps at night, is that usual?

fancy dress time

Our church had a mid-winter christmas dinner last night for our 25-35's group, the theme was 'bridesmaids gone bad, groomsmen gone gross' sooo funny! check us hotties out!!

who wouldnt want us for bridesmaids?... come on, we are gorgeous...

new carpet and fireplace

About a week ago we got new carpet installed and a few firplace and surrond, its very exciting, i just had to post some pics. here is Cam the night before.. i think eating chicken for dinner.

And here is the after shot of the fireplace...

and carpet in lounge.. love it!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I was given some gorgeous cloth nappies, so thought i would try them out on my 'baby'!
Very easy to use, thanks Snazzipants

Me at 21 weeks
Felt our little girl for real today! was a real obvious move or kick or whatever it was! So exciting I had to email cam at work and tell him, shame he cant feel it as well :(
We got new carpet laid throughout our house yesterday and have had a new fireplace installed as well, very nice, been waiting a long time for this, awesome!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Girl.. Girl... Girl.. Girl... Girl

Yep! its a girl!! we are stoked, but would have been no matter what it was.

so i am now officially obsessed with looking at baby girlies things!

what will really be the surprise now, is if it is a boy, but was just hiding his 'bits'!

20 weeks tomorrow......

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

that tight feeling

my clothes, especially pants are getting really tight! Ive decided that there are not a lot of things that are comfortable to wear, actually i love my trackie daks but thats about it, everything else is just uncomfortable!
found out today that a work mate is also preggers, a couple of months behind me, so thats fun to have someone else to share the journey with!
2 days till our scan!!
i think i have read every piece of research there is to read on what kind of baby seat and pram to buy, im so confused!! would someone just tell me the best thing to buy.... nah i think i have it narrowd down to a Phil & Ted brand and one that bubs can lie flat in to start with and then change as they get older.
one of my best friends only has about 2 weeks to go until she has her little bubba boy, im counting on her to give me all the gory birth details!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

is it a boy.... is it a girl....?

our 20week scan is booked for Thursday next week, Ohhhh i cant wait!
i really really really hope that our little bean is cooprative and lets us see what it is!

Monday, June 8, 2009

How I know my husband is going to be an awesome Dad!

Last Saturday Cam went out for a run, and when he hadnt come back after about 2 hrs i knew he must have had a good story... turns out that not long into his run he saw a little boy, only about 2yrs old, wandering down the footpath wearing nothing but his PJ's and shoes (on the wrong feet!)
So Cam stopped and asked him where his Mum and his house was, he just said his name was Jessie and Cam couldnt get much more info out of him! so they wandered around for about 20mins but little Jessie didnt recognise his house.
Cam took him into a house nearby that was having a garage sale and used their phone to call the police, Cam sat with Jessie on the steps while he had a biscuit and chatted with him to take his mind of things, Cam said Jessie didnt seem worried at all that he was with a stranger, or that he hadnt seen his mum in almost an hour!
The Police turned up, and took Jessie with them, who was quite excited to get a ride in the police car, he told Cam he hoped they didnt do the 'woo woo' noise (the siren) cause he was scared of that noise, Cam assured him they probably wouldnt.
So last we know is that the police drove round the local streets trying to find Jessies home, hope they did! And Cam carried on with his run.
This is how I know that I have a caring, loving husband, that will make an awesome Dad!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

One week ahead of myself

Had a midwife appointment today, turns out I'm only 17.5 weeks, not nearly 19 like I thought! Wahhhhhh...... means i have to wait another whole week till we have our scan to see what this little peanut is. Ah well all good things come to those who wait!
I am steadily putting on weight, trying not to let it bother me and focus on the fact that its all for a good (i mean Awesome!) cause! but it is hard after you have been the same size for a good 8 years then you all of a sudden start changing!
I wonder how much weight is 'normal' to put on?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


sorry, not sure why there is such a big gap between those posts? just learing how to use this properly.
Anyway, we are 2 weeks away from our 20 week scan, we plan to find out what sex he/she is, very exciting!
My due date is 8th November 2009

the growing continues