Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Im not 4 days overdue, which I know is not that far over, but to me it seems like an eternity!
Everyone tries to be sooo helpful.. saying 'she will come in her own good time' 'she'll come soon I know it' etc.. etc.. that doesnt help me having to sit here and WAIT.. its driving me crazy.
Im also quite bored, trying to fill in my days is getting a little frustrating, theres only so many movies one can watch, and anything that involves walking any long distances just doesnt work.. hmmmmmm.....
On the up side, the weather is lovely today, so maybe I will take my book down to the beach.
Had a few niggles yesterday, which I got mildly excited about, but then they went away, and I havent felt anyting since.
Anyway.... onwards...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shelley!

    I know how frustrated you are....believe me...I know. There is nothing I can tell you that will make you feel much better, especially since you have heard it all already. Both of my kiddos were quite first was 13 days past dates and Jameson was 9 days late. I couldn't believe it. I tried everything 'they' tell you to try...but, it is true...that baby will come when she is ready! ugh! The great thing is that as each hour/day goes by, your body is more and more ready to bring that little one to the world!

    Hang in there!!! Enjoy these last few hours/days with your is the last time it will just be you two! Get a pedicure...give yourself a treat...

    Praying for a great, fast, smooth delivery for you! Can't wait to hear the news!!
