Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jorja - our angel baby..

Jorja with Nana Joy (my mum)
Jorja is one month old yesterday, things are going great, Im really enjoying being a mum, work is but a distant memory!! I honestly dont miss it, which is a big thing for me, cause I thought I would miss it.
Believe it or not, Jorja has been sleeping thru the night (10pm-5.30/6am ish) for the last week and a half... we are so excited about this, but well aware that it may change! for now we are revelling in the sleep that we (me!!) are getting.
She is feeding well, and seems to be having a growth spurt at the moment I think, as feeding quite often. speaking of which, she just started howling in my ear!! so i better go get the milk flowing!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Long awaited arrival!!!

Finally I get time to get on here and announce that Jorja Grace Haring arrived at 3.02am on Thursday 19th November!!!! 10 days overdue
After a relatively quick labour & birth of 6 hours, she arrived safe & sound. Thankfully everything went really smoothly and I didnt need to be induced, as I was booked to be induced 2hrs after I started having contractions naturally. I also didnt need an epidural, just sucked on the gas thru all contractions like my life depended on it, plus pain relief in the bath.
Cam was fantastic throughout, although it was hard for him to see me going thru the pain. I also had my Mum there, plus our wonderful midwife Celia.
Spent two nights in hospital, then home on Saturday morning. Jorja is well settled at home, and things seem to be getting into some semblance of a routine! if you can call it that!
We plan to try 'BabyWise' which is a feed/play/sleep 'routine' based on parent directed feeding, rather than demand feeding. Will update you on how this in going!! any thoughts on this appreciated, some (like our midwfie) are dead against it, but others swear by it. Those that have done it say that bub is generally sleeping thru the night at 8 weeks, imagine that!!