Monday, October 5, 2009

no more couch time

Our midwife appt yesterday saw us writing up a birth plan, i think we have it sorted...

1. go into labour
2. go to hospital
3. push baby out

its that easy isnt it?!

Ive also been told I'm not to lounge on the couch anymore so that the baby gets, or stays, in the right position.
What the heck am I 'sposed to sit on? i tried a dining room chair, but that lasted about 10 minutes, and was damn uncomfortable to try and relax and watch tv. I might look into getting a swiss ball.
Ho Hum... 5 weeks to go, have I been pregnant FOREVER?
I really am looking forward to finishing work now, im just getting so over it... funny how i used to love my job (and actually really still do) but when you have a milestone coming up like having a baby, the job just pales in significance.


  1. Completely relate on suddenly being finished with anything that isn't "having the baby!" Good work on the birth plan...that's about how it goes!:) I sat on an exercise ball a lot during the last few weeks and during labor too. Work that baby down!! You get to meet her in such a short time!!

  2. yep! i have my exercise ball at the ready!
