Thursday, June 4, 2009

One week ahead of myself

Had a midwife appointment today, turns out I'm only 17.5 weeks, not nearly 19 like I thought! Wahhhhhh...... means i have to wait another whole week till we have our scan to see what this little peanut is. Ah well all good things come to those who wait!
I am steadily putting on weight, trying not to let it bother me and focus on the fact that its all for a good (i mean Awesome!) cause! but it is hard after you have been the same size for a good 8 years then you all of a sudden start changing!
I wonder how much weight is 'normal' to put on?


  1. I'm not sure what the 'norm' is, but with my first I put on over 50 lbs. And with my second, only 20 lbs.

    I miss pregnancy, it's so exciting! I'm going to live vicariously through you :)

  2. Hey Shelley....same thing happened to me, just as I got to 19 weeks they told me I was 17 weeks! Argh. THe time goes fast though...we're in the home stretch now!
    As far as weight goes, I've been told 25-35 is considered healthy. I think it kind of depends who you talk to though. As long as you're eating healthy and the baby is growing steadily, everything should be fine. How do you like having a midwife? My midwife says that she thinks NZ midwifery is some of the very best!

  3. Hi Carolyn,
    yes our midwife is awesome! i hadnt realisd that our system in NZ was so good compared to everywhere else, havent really had a need to know about it before now!
