Friday, June 19, 2009

Girl.. Girl... Girl.. Girl... Girl

Yep! its a girl!! we are stoked, but would have been no matter what it was.

so i am now officially obsessed with looking at baby girlies things!

what will really be the surprise now, is if it is a boy, but was just hiding his 'bits'!

20 weeks tomorrow......


  1. YAY for a baby girl! Congrats! I didn't even realize you were blogging about your pregnancy until today, but I am excited to follow along, and hear all about your journey!

  2. SO fun that you are having a girl! Are you guys going to tell what name you have picked once you do? If so...can't wait to hear it! Hope you are feeling well and enjoying this time! I remember with both my kiddos, it felt like the pregnancy was taking FOREVER, but once 20 weeks came along and we were able to find out if they were boy or girl the time FLEW by!

  3. you are commencing on the way to be an appealing person of a sweet cute little baby. Its a rejoicing news.Take care.

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