Finally! the big 3-0!
but thats kinda scary, cause that means only 10 weeks to go, 2 months/10 weeks? somehow 2 months sounds longer!
and only 8 weeks of work to go... geez i better get organised, so much to do before I leave work, i have to train the person that is taking my maternity leave, she will be great, but I always stress out training people, cause its my job so is effectivly doing, so i have high (read: control freak!) standards... i might need to rein that in a bit :)
Cam has let me know that he has not been sleeping very well, having very wacky dreams, i thought it was meant to be me that had the strange dreams! but i think he is just stressed about being a dad (he is a bit of a worry wort at the best of times, worse at such a life changing moment such as becoming a father!) its kinda sweet really...
meanwhile, im sleeping okay, aside from getting up to pee all the time, i find myself awake but not really sure why, then i realise that im busting for the toilet! duh
Our baby shower is set for 19th Sept, looking forward to it, we are inviting our female and male friends, cause Cam wanted to be involved, so why not? should be fun!! not sure how many of our male friends will come, be interesting to see.